Monday, May 04, 2009

Growing Roots

I dream of someday having a backyard with a garden, where I can grow my own produce. For now, a concrete balcony will have to suffice. While this isn't an actual attempt to grow my own food, I was curious to see if I could get anything to sprout in pots on my balcony. To my surprise, the dollar-store seeds that I planted with an 8-year old friend popped up within a few days, and I've been contentedly watching their growth since.

I'd love to have an herb garden, grow some tomatoes and enough lettuce to feed my salad habit, and maybe some flowers for a little cheer. However, life does not have me staying in one place for any period of time sufficient enough to do this, and I'll have to give my baby lettuce away before it's fully grown.

Having lived in 4 cities in the past 6 years, and having never been able to stay in the same city for more than a few months at a stretch has made me really want to plant myself somewhere and just take root. I really love where I am living right now, and would love to be able to stay and just grow! The nature of my program has me uprooting myself more than I would like- a frustrating thing for a homebody.

At the same time, I know that it's a priviledge to experience all of these different places, and that someday the time will come when I have a job and don't have the luxury of picking up and going without consequence. So, for the time being, I'll enjoy my little plants, as well as all the other things I'll get to see and do!

1 comment:

Don said...

Good to see you blogging again Jess! Always enjoy the read. Grow plants grow!!
