Thursday, October 01, 2009


Hi. This is where I've been hiding for the last little while...

There has been a palpable change in our class; it's more somber, more solitary, and just somehow different. I don't know if it's that we're now working toward separate goals rather than common ones; if our collective summer experiences apart have put us on diverging paths; or if we're just tired and focused, simultaneously terrified and excited about the fact that we're hurtling toward clerkship at warp speed.
The initial challenge of getting back to the daily grind has passed, and now I'm left with a challenge of a different sort: juggling clinics where I'm expected to know stuff learned a while back that has long since been forgotten, keeping up with readings, writing a research report, trying to keep active/cook/play music and see the occasional friend. Needless to say, there isn't much knitting that gets done at the end of the day, and when it does it's nothing fancy. Pulling out a chart and concentrating on counting ends up seeming more like a chore than a relaxing activity, so the red sweater and any sewing has been pushed aside for the time being.

The best thing right now though is the season - despite being heat/sun loving and always cold, there is nothing that beats the crispness and visual warmth of fall. I've had the urge to bake with zucchini, apples and pumpkin, and to cook squash after squash. The other weekend while babysitting triplets, we decided to do some needle felting. Their eight-year old attention span held just long enough for me to make three wee pumpkins, which can keep the real gourds company for the next few months.

In front of tonight's dinner, a local acorn squash... yum!


Marie said...

Oh my -- those wee pumpkins are just too cute. And what a lovely little fall dish to hold them. I will show Elliott this weekend, as he is into pumpkins for Hallowe'en. Last year his costume was "Winnie-the-Pooh dressed as a pumpkin". I'll send you a photo.
Sorry you're under siege...
Aunt Marie

Yarndude said...

That stack of books does not look fun, but those little pumpkins are adorable!

Lele said...

Your pumpkins are SO PRESH!

crochetgurl said...

Your pumpkins are so adorable!

I don't know what it is about fall, but suddenly I've been feeling the urge to cook and bake more too. :-)

Anonymous said...

Those are the cutest pumpkins in the world. They would instantly dissolve any academic woes of mine; I hope they do the same for you!

heather said...

Aw-w-w-w, too cute! I love them! Looking forward to spending some gorgeous fall moments with you, and I promise to cook something autumny-ish while I'm there.

crochetgurl said...

Thanks for the blog links. I'll be sure to keep them in mind. I noticed a butternut squash recipe that will be perfect for my mom on one of the sites. She was asking me how to cook butternut squash lately. :-)

Don said...

Hi Jess,

love how you described your current status. I know how hard you are working. Glad you can find a bit of time to do some sort of craft. love the tiny pumpkins.
